Bild: US-Wahl: Starke Abweichung zwischen Prognosen und Ergebnis

Im Vorfeld der US-Präsidentschaftswahlen sahen WahlforscherInnen Hillary Clinton im direkten Duell mit Donald Trump klar vorn, doch am Ende setzte sich der Kandidat der republikanischen Partei eindeutig durch. Wie kommt diese Abweichung zustande? Liegt es nur an der indirekten Wahl des Electoral College und dem gleichzeitigen „winner-takes-all-priciple“?

Bild: Business Tycoon Nelson Rockefeller: One of Trump’s predecessors at the top of the political food chain in the US., Reagan and Rockefeller in the White House

The victory of Donald Trump came as a shock to many people who could not believe that a rich businessman and part-time actor could become President of the United States. Yet, electing a celebrity and a man of business to even the highest political office is not unprecedented in the USA.

Bild: Among students, the image is clear: Hillary Clinton is more qualified and thus the better choice for the presidency. , How students feel about the presidential election Photos: Michael Vadon/wikimedia commons CC BY-SA (Trump), Gage Skidmore/wikimedia commons CC BY-SA (Clinton)

On November 8, a new (wo-)man in power will commence their reign in the USA. The portrayal of the candidates in the media is clear. But how do students in America feel about the upcoming announcement? The :bsz has contacted reporter Susanne Jaworski, who is studying for her Master’s degree in Boston at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and questioned students about Clinton and Trump. She will provide us with her very own impression as well. 
