Bild: Song, poem or short story? Any kind of creative contribution is welcome. , Open Mic Night Bild: leda

Event: Have you ever wanted to share your creativity with others in a casual setting? Then the Performance Night might be just the right thing for you.

On May 21, 2019 at 7.30pm a special event will take place at the Kulturcafé: The English Seminar and Fachschaft Anglistik/Amerikanistik will host a mixed arts, open mic night. Instead of a traditionally structured performance, any kind of creative contribution is welcome as long as it is (re-)written in English and lasts between one and ten minutes. ‘‘The performance culture outside of institutionalized structures is an important part of US and British culture. This is something we try to bring to the RUB’’, says Luise Noé, one of the organisers from the Fachschaftsrat.
The event shall motivate people to share their art. Noé explains: ‘‘We want to encourage performers not to wait for an official invitation to the high realms of culture, but to just get out, take their art to the people, and have fun with it in an open space. Take the risk and fail, or take the risk and amaze.’’ It’s recommended to let the organisers know, if you plan to participate, since there will also be a rehearsal. However: spontaneous contributions are also welcome.

Second Performance Night

Last year the first performance night took place on the 4th of July. The event was titled ‘‘Declarations of Independence’’ and involved a variety of contributions: ‘‘We had storytellers, a singer-songwriter, stand-up comedy, scene works, and poets on stage’’, remembers Noé. This year the title is ‘‘Re:Write’’. If you are interested in participating, write an email to

:Charleena Schweda


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