Bild: A taste of holiday: Glühwein at a German Xmas Market, Home sick? – How to spend X-mas in Germany Foto: ck

Looking outside the window, seeing streets covered in a white coat of snow, the first thought that comes to mind is: it‘s X-mas time. Everywhere we go we see decorations, exhibitions in shops, X-mas Markets, adverts in TV. The holiday frenzy is almost everywhere, it seems as if we can’t escape from it.
But even though the pre-early holiday craziness can be pretty annoying, X-mas time is a great opportunity for many students to go back home and eat Mum’s home-made delicious food. It‘s also a chance to see people who are close to our heart; family and friends. But even though you have to see some other people you don’t necessary want to hang out with (but you have no other choice), it‘s still a pretty exciting holiday and you probably wouldn‘t change it for a world.


When I think about X-mas, I have this image in my head… me in pyjamas and comfy slippers with my favorite cup of hot chocolate watching some X-mas special with my family. And I miss these times,  being a kid, waiting until the morning of X-mas Day, hoping that you were good this year and Santa Claus left you some great presents under the X-mas Tree.
It seems ridiculous and you are probably surprised how you could believe in this silly story. But to be honest, the hope that filled you while you were waiting for the new Barbie doll or new Video Game and the great joy you felt opening the boxes wrapped in colourful paper, seems great right now. It may be silly but I’m sure most of you would like to go back to the time when you didn’t have to worry about anything just trying to catch Santa putting your presents under the tree.
These times have passed, now we are all grown up and responsible, keeping alive the tradition that brings us closer to home. But what about the students who can’t afford the ticket to go home? What about the students who lost their families and are left alone with no one to celebrate? How must they feel? Pretty crappy I guess. So maybe while you are munching freshly made Choco cookies you should think about the others who may be sitting home alone watching depressive movies, trying to forget or just survive these happy but also depressive holidays for lonely souls. And maybe you could invite some students from different countries and combine a few traditions together. Even holidays can be a great way to discover different cultures.

Enjoy Bochum‘s X-mas Market

However, if you are one of these lonely souls: don’t worry it’s not that bad, there are plenty people on this earth, only around 7.057 billion so I’m pretty sure you will find someone to celebrate this great holiday with. And maybe you can‘t see your little sister or your dog you missed so much, but you can still have an awesome time. Here is an idea: You can survive the holiday, exploring the best to offer by German tradition. The most popular tradition is of course the X-mas Market, the perfect place to buy a unique X-mas gift or souvenir, such as handmade toys, X-mas ornaments and decorations. And of course you should try the most popular treats offered here in Bochum’s city center. You can’t miss it, the small houses with home-made high quality products are spread all over the streets. It looks magical with the shiny lights, the big X-mas Tree and small cute houses with plenty of goodies. But the most common treats that you just have to try are: Glühwein, Christmas essence in the cup, Nürnberger Rostbratwürste, gingerbread biscuit known as Lebkuchen, Bratäpfel- baked apples, Gebrannte Mandeln – delicious roasted almonds, or another roasted  tasty snack – chestnuts called Maronen.

RUB at the X-mas Market

Most X-mas Markets start in the last week of November and run up till X-mas Eve. They are usually open every day from 10am to about 9 or 10pm. This year Rubiss is also part of Bochum‘s X-mas Market. Next week they organize seven days of International Snacks Presentation. Every day, a different country will present their most popular tasty special. On Sunday, December 16, the International Office and Erasmus students will give some general information about the following week. The international week will start with Polish students presenting tasty snacks from their homeland, followed by other students presenting their countries: Vietman, Turkey, Russia, Cameroon, Italy, closing on Sunday with Brazil. So if you feel like joining, grab your friends and explore what Germany and other countries have to offer for this amazing and joyful holiday.


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