International Days: Where to go? Foto: Flickr / LianeNZ

But what would be so special about this event? During the last fair many organizations involved in the student exchange were invited to present their offers. However, as we know nobody will give us a more honest opinion than the students themselves. This is why this year the organizers decided that they will invite students who have already been abroad, so they can share with us their ups and downs during studying in another country. International students who are currently studying at the RUB, Erasmus students, RUB’s students and also representatives from partner universities will share their knowledge about studying abroad, either at the information stands, the photo gallery or in form of presentations.

What about the language?

You think: “Studying abroad sounds great, I am going to go to a sunny country, such as Brazil so I can lie on the beach all day long. But wait a second! How would I be able to talk to people if I do not speak Portuguese?” Do not worry, the ZFA (University Language Centrum) and the LSI (Bochum Institute of Intensive Language Training) will also be there to talk about the preparation courses for many different languages, such as Portuguese, French, Spanish and many other. So you can prepare yourself before you go. Unfortunately for some universities you will need the language certificate. But do not worry, all the necessary information, where can you prepare for the exam and when can you pass it will be provided during the event. Also if you are interested in studying in Brazil, special attention deserves presentation held by the Brazilian coordinator of the ConRuhr offices in Latin America, Dr. Stephan Hollensteiner. He will highlight the opportunity of studying in Brazil located in the areas between the Amazon and Sugar Loaf Mountain.

Last opportunity?

However if this is your last year at RUB and you think that you already lost your chance to go abroad and explore some different cultures, then you are wrong. Institution such as AIESEC, IAESTE, Department for International Placement Services and United Nations Organization will provide all the required information about internships and working abroad in international companies. This can be a great opportunity for graduate students like you. Dominic Erfkamp from the Department for International Placement Services at the Federal Employment Agency and Arne Molfenter from the United Nations Regional Information Centre for Western Europe will be available to give any advice on how to start your new career.

Financial support and not only

International Office will be at the International Days fair to ensure you that every step during your abroad adventure will be supported. While you are away studying in a new university, meeting new people and experiencing new cultures you may need some advice. You can always get in touch with the International Office which will be happy to help.

How to prepare

If you have already made up your mind about going abroad, you can apply for workshops prepared by International Business Etiquette and Career Service. This workshops will teach you how to deal with international business and how to apply for jobs in English. You can find more information on the Grenzenlos homepage under warm-up workshops.
Artistic Program and some delicious snack prepared by AKAFÖ and University Sports Bochum will be provided. The whole event is free and you do not have to register. You can simply come by during your lunch break. Maybe you will find something for yourself. Everybody is welcome. Spread the word about the event. This can be a beginning of a life changing experience for you. 

All the information, including the whole program is available on the RUB website at:


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