Several thousand Germans have been embracing the ultimate weight-loss program – extreme heat! Courtesy of climate change, this spa treatment has been a hit over the past few years. A gynecologist from Herne reported that heat helps people lose their appetite, endurance, and circulation. Migraines? Allergies? A small price to pay for our newfound ability to sweat buckets while standing still!

But why stop at minor inconveniences when you could aim for heart attacks or strokes? They’re trending! Each year, more people join this growing health club, where rising temperatures are the new personal trainers pushing us to our limits. And the heat isn’t just improving physical fitness – it’s revolutionizing mental health too. Domestic violence? Who cares? Experts have even linked this delightful behavior to extreme heat, which has inspired a new generation of aggression enthusiasts. Hormones? Who needs balance? Heat suppresses cortisol, so stress management and metabolism can take a holiday, too! Melatonin for sleep? Nope. Instead, we get insomnia with a side of wondering why it feels like we’re living in an oven.

In conclusion, this unique heat wave program is a not-so-subtle nudge from Mother Nature for us to stop whining and start fighting climate change. After all, who doesn’t want to experience the joys of heat-induced chaos? 

My time has come to toss my studies out the window and flee to Finnland. There’s the weather much cooler, and my body can finally stop pretending it enjoys sweating. Or, in a stunning display of academic wisdom, I sign up for geography and some free excursions to Alaska — before it melts into a puddle. With the way the climate’s throwing tantrums, who knows what’ll be left? Maybe a souvenir glacier, if we’re lucky.


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